Saturday, June 27, 2009

laser hair removal Utah: Affects of laser hair removal?

My daughter is interested in going for laser laser hair removal Utah hair removal, and i was just wondering if someone would be able to tell from experience or knows someone who has done it, if there are things she should expect or look out for after the procedures.

Answer:It does hurt a bit depending on where you are treated and laser hair removal Utah how much hair there is in the area. Each additional treatment is less painful. If I had to rank 3 concerns they would be:1) Make sure she does not get a tan before treatments. This can through off the operator and she can receive a burn.2) Make sure the operator has alot of experience and that this is not just one of many services that the person offers.3) Make sure the technology being used matches the best solution for your daughter's skin type and hair laser hair removal Utah color. This will help to ensure that $$$ is not wasted and will reduce the risk of a burn.Over all t he treatment is great and I would estimate laser hair removal Utah that 95% of people treated are happy.The attached sites have information on what to look for in a provider and technologhy.

Answer:It depends on how sensitive the area is. If it's her bikini area, it could sting a lot. It's not a pain-free laser hair removal Utah experience. I know some people use a numbing cream. She could ask about it. She will have some redness, like a sunburn; and perhaps some tenderness for a couple of hours after. laser hair removal Utah It will also require several visits.

Answer:I've had my upper lip and under arms done. The IPL - Intense Pulse Light treatment covers more surface area per hit and requires less treatments than that of Diode - Light Sheer. It doesn't hurt as much either. I had some redness for mayb e 1 hr after the treatment - IPL. Light Sheer leaves redness for a more lengthy time 1-3 days. You'll pay more the IPL vs Light Sheer, but it's well worth the money.

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