Friday, April 3, 2009

laser hair removal Utah: Laser hair removal for chinese/ will there be burns?

im chinese so i have a light skin tone, i have hair growing on the outer surface of my nose and find it unsightly so, i was wondering if i got laser hair removal laser hair removal Utah on my nose would there potentially be any burn scars and would it matter if there was pimples on my nose or not?

Answer:Hey there, no you cannot laser your nose. I have lasered practically my entire body. If you want to get rid of the hair on your nose you either have to pluck them...or maybe you can look into getting electrolosis. Electrolosis is better for your laser hair removal Utah face because you can't get burned from it; so there is no scar. But I'm not sure if you can electrolosis your nose, all i know for laser hair removal Utah sure is that it is impossible to laser your nose because the laser head is too big, your nose is an uneven sur face and the hairs are too fine...lasering very fine hairs actually stimulates the hair growth and it will get worse! Hope that helped

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