Saturday, June 27, 2009

laser hair removal Utah: Laser hair removal on bikini line?

Has anyone had laser hair removal done on their bikini line? How much did it cost? How many sessions did it take? What's the difference laser hair removal Utah between a bikini and brizilian bikini? Which one means to remove ALL hair from the crotch region? Just trying to get an idea...

Answer:Are you that hairy near the crotch? Well it hurts to get laser hair removal. I tried it once to my face laser hair removal Utah and it left a scar for a long time. It feels like shooting a sharp needle or staple into your skin really fast. I didn't continue with the process cause it wasn't worth it. It costs about a grand depending how much hair u need to remove. If u want to i can shave it for u. :)

Answer:Costs vary by location. I live close laser hair removal Utah to Kansas City, and a place close to my house charges these rates: waxing involves hair removal from the bikin i area. There are laser hair removal Utah basically four types of bikini waxes with increased degrees of hair removed from the pubic and buttock areas.1. Bikini Wax is the standard hair removal outside the bikini panty line.2. Brazilian Bikini Wax or G Wax leaves a narrow strip of hair down the front of the pubic area laser hair removal Utah and removes hair from the rest of the pubic and the buttock area.3. Playboy Bikini Wax leaves a very narrow strip of hair down the front of the pubic area and removes hair from the rest of the pubic, labia, buttocks, and perianal areas.4. Full Bikini Wax, Hollywood Wax, or The Sphynx removes all hair from the pubic area, labia, buttocks, and perianal areas.

Answer:The answers to this are ridiculous. I wish I could genuinely answer your question, but actually I laser hair removal Utah have no clue, I just want to say that PLEASE don't listen to aida saying that "it affects your ovaries". It has no way of affecting your ovaries. It is not unhealthy to shave or remove laser hair removal Utah hair. It's purely cosmetic and won't cause ANY health problems. Rest assured, whatever you choose, you can choose freely based on your preference.Oh, and please get laser hair removal Utah your terminology right aida. You can't shave your vagina. It's the vulva that's on the outside and has hair.

Answer:Um depending on where you live expect to pay 1000+ brazilian removes the hair from your butt to so it would be all the laser hair removal Utah hair in you crack lol sorry i didn't know how else to say it. laser hair removal Utah the number of sessions depends on how much hair there is. Where i am from (Oregon) it depends on how much hair you want taken off I.e Bikini ( Basic ), Bikini ( Brazilian ) or Bikini ( Playboy ) and the sessions range from 150-250 per. Have you ever been waxed? because if you have it would help you decide what style you want and how much hair should be taken off. Bikini is just the front part minus the butt hair.Brazilan means to remove all the hair from your crotch region

Answer:brizilian id for all...and is that safe down does it effect ur ovaries...and its actually unhealthy for ur vagina to be shaven all the way all the time...

Answer:nair baby

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