Saturday, June 27, 2009

laser hair removal Utah: Laser hair removal for "down there"?

I get a brazilian wax every 6-8 weeks and I'm laser hair removal Utah sick of it!I have heard good things and bad things about laser hair removal.Is it ok to get it "down there"??Does it hurt?How many times do you have to have it down?Is it permanant?Etc etc etc!!!Thanks for the advise...

Answer:The bikini area is one of the best areas to ge treated laser hair removal Utah because of the color of the hair, the density of the hair and the depth of the follicle. It can hurt a bit but it is not too bad. My wife said that her 2, 3 and 4th treatments really didn't hurt at all. laser hair removal Utah Generally you will need 4-6 Tx to get it all done. It is permanent as long as 1) you are a good candidate, 2) The practioner is good and experienced and 3) a good system is being utilized. You can go to http://www.Hai for any additional information. The site only lists providers who have received good in depth survey scores from previous customers.Good luck.

Answer:I have had the laser hair laser hair removal Utah removal down there and it is awesome. I love not having to shave. I had 6 treatments and girl yes it hurt, but is totally worth it. So far none of laser hair removal Utah my hair has come back. I'm very excited about that. If it does, I can go back in for maintainence treatments. They do not charge the full amount. Half or less than half. My advice, do it.

Answer:depending on the size of the area, it would probably take more than two session to complete. It could be expensive, depending on where you go. shop around and see the cheapest price, with the laser hair removal Utah best results. you mi ght be a little tender for a couple of days, It will look laser hair removal Utah kinda bad for acouple of days afterwards, so don't hope for immediate results. But if done correctly it is permanent.

Answer:I have had eight laser hair removal treatments. I have seen around 75% effectiveness so far. Each time it has been more and more effective. I am currently pretty satisfied with the treatments. I laser hair removal Utah believe that after my tenth treatment I will only have to come back in once every two or three years. I started with a lot of dark hair and a medium laser hair removal Utah complexion though. I would say that the lighter hairs take more treatments.I don't do it through an MD. You don't have to do it with an MD and it is cheaper. You can get numbing cream prescribed from your doctor and it cost five bucks a tube. I had laser done a few years ago and it wasn't all that affective. They used a diode laser. I 'm sure that there have been laser hair removal Utah advancements in diode lasers since I had it done years ago, but the treatments I have been recieving over the last year are with an alexandrite laser.As far as the bikini area, it showed the best results and laser hair removal Utah did not need near as many treatments. It is the most effected area by the laser. The hair is darker and the skin is lighter in that region.

Answer:I have gotten my bikinin lasered 2 times and what I do is i go in, put on this numbing cream which makes it a lot less painful, and then sit down and the lady does it. It definitely doesn't feel good but I would say the pain is not that bad. Sometimes it laser hair removal Utah surprises you and sometimes you can't even feel it. It's DEFINITELY worth it though. The pain does not even compare to ho w much nicer it is to not have to shave. I still have to finish sessions, but I have already had a hair laser hair removal Utah decrease. After you go, some areas will be sore (especially armpits) and there will be small scabs which go away after about 1-2 weeks. Some of the hair will be gone but a laser hair removal Utah lot of it will still be there becuase she will have killed the root under the skin, and you're hair has to grow out and then you will be hairless for maybe 1 week. Then it grows back and you go and do it laser hair removal Utah again untill it's gone!

Answer:yes I'm sick of it too, ill remove it with a the newest technique (by light) they told me its more expensive but more effective,and safe. i think it ll hurt, but at least for once in lifetime and then ull be relieved not every 6-8 weeks and and for all of ur life!

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