Monday, May 11, 2009

laser hair removal Utah: Does anyone know anything about laser hair removal?

For laser hair removal you will generally need 4-6 treatments to clear the area, with the occasional touch up treatment afterward. You will need to consult with a provider in laser hair removal Utah your area for costs, as these vary greatly from region to region.It feels like someone snapping a rubber band against your skin, but is generally quite tolerable. Remember though everyone's pain threshold is different. You may find it very painful or barely noticeable.There is laser hair removal Utah often a slight smell of burning hair, nothing bad though.You will need to shave just before your treatment. The hair will push its way out of the follicle for about two weeks afterward. You will need to shave it off as usual during this time, but the texture of the hair will be stiffer, and you will find you go laser hair removal Utah through razors about twice as quickly as usual.This treatment works best on fair skinned people with dark hair. The laser seeks out the pigment in the root, which is why darker skinned and/or lighter haired clients do not tend to see as good a result right away. They may laser hair removal Utah need more treatments.You can have this done on any area you have unwanted hair.There is little to no downtime. Most people laser hair removal Utah return to normal activities right away.Good luck!

Answer:it takes a long time for the effects to work..but it does work

Answer:I ve heard it seems to be the best way to remove unwanted hair forever. It costs a fair bit for larger areas but it would be worth for people its causing distress.

An swer:I had it laser hair removal Utah on my neck about 7 years ago and it worked very well. My wife had her bikini and underarms done and she also had great results. The most important thing is to go to someone experienced with good equipment.The site lists providers who have received positive surveys from previous customers.Good luck.

Answer:it hurts like an elastic band been laser hair removal Utah snapped on your skin

Answer:Make double, double sure, that the beautician has the appropriate qualifications- and experience. Heard interview on Radio 4, where a doctor was arguing for all users of laser, for whatever reason, to have medical training. It can cause problems. One poor lady who was treated by a holiday, newly qualified stand in ended up with burns, and was scarred. laser hair removal Utah However, the debate and follow up listener e-mails seemed to agree that laser was very effective at hair removal. I would be interested in finding more about this treatment as well.

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