Saturday, June 27, 2009

laser hair removal Utah: Laser Hair Removal does it work is it painful anything will be appreciated I want my wife to get a bikini

You can't answer this question until laser hair removal Utah we know which laser machine do they use. Normally it hurts a little bit .Usually the treatment causes 1 to 3 hours and needs a repeated treatment every 6 months or 12 months until the whole hair follicle gets damaged. Repeated treatment is needed as some hair follicle get escaped. So how many times depends on the machine, the person doing the treatment laser hair removal Utah and finally the body nature of yours. A treatment session may cost $400 to $3000 and more according to the area and clinical chargesYou can find more information on laser at removal can be of two methods one is epilation and second is depilation First one removes hair entirely and the second one removes the hair thats above laser hair removal Utah the surface of the skin. If you want to remove hair permanently or for a long time, you have to choose the first option. Epilation methods arePluckingWaxing laser hair removal Utah ( Sugaring )ThreadingEpilatorsMedicationsTurmericElectrolysisLaserIntense pulsed lightVaniqaMore information can be found on how to remove hair from the above methods on Depilation methods are also mentioned there

Answer:It is VERY expensive. I just had a consult for my lower legs (knee down) last week and the cost was $1900!!!Supposedly, it is not painful, and it will "kill" any of the hair follicles present during the laser applications (there are several).Unfortunately, the laser hair removal Utah human body produces hair follicles throughout life, so there will be a few that pop up in the future. After consulting with the doc, I would do it if I had the cash to spend right now.

Answer:it works and its not painful but d epending on the person they may need to go a few times and if ur wife skin is sensitive then she may need to tell laser hair removal Utah them before in case they use a substance that she may get a rash from or something else anyways other than that laser hair removal are actually in the expencive side. hope that helped.

Answer:Yes it works great and is a bit expensive sometimes you need to go a few times to get all the hair.

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