Saturday, June 27, 2009

laser hair removal Utah: How can i lessen hair without using waxing, shaving, or laser?

waxing and shaving doesnt do good because the hair keeps growing back. laser just cost too much for me.i can get chemicals that others cant get because i know chemists. i dont mind if it will hurt my body a bit. anybody laser hair removal Utah hav any ideas on what i should use?

Answer:well the only other option is hair removal or epilatingI have never done either, but my friends have and they say it works,,(although epilating really hurts!)hair laser hair removal Utah removal is basically just where you put this creme on your legs and with this thing (similar to shaving, but there is no sharp bit to cut the hair), it just wipes the hair off. i think the creme just like burns the hair off or something. You';; have t laser hair removal Utah ocheck it out at your chemist. epilating is just this machine where basically you put it on top of your leg and then it just pulls the hairs out.hope ive helped a bit!

Answer:First off, don't put chemistry-grade chemicals on your skin. Stuff that pure and concentrated can only do laser hair removal Utah bad things (burns, cancer, etc.). Try that Nads stuff out if you want. I've heard it works well, but it smells like dead laser hair removal Utah fish.

Answer:Nair or
Veet can last about a week. But theres not that much you can do but find a few minutes to shave every two days or so.

Answer:The only thing else you can do is hormonal therapy.

Answer:Just shave it isnt worth hurting your body using chemicals.

Answer:give it time. in a few years you may very well be remembering all that hair with a pang of nostalgia.

Answer:Use sandpaper.


Answer:How about Neet?

Answer:chemo ... no, no ... that's not funny

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