Friday, June 26, 2009

laser hair removal Utah: Has any one tried Laser hair removal? Neet? What is the best method of hair removal?

There is electrolysis, waxing, Neet, shaving, lasers, and probably more that I can't think of right now. What have you tried? What has worked best? Hurt laser hair removal Utah most? Caused a disaster? I am the most curious about Neet and laser hair removal.

Answer:laser removal works on those who have darker hair...blonds and gray headed people laser hair removal Utah will not benefit. Most of the hair folicles will be killed, but not all with laser treatment. Repeats are often necessary, but eventually, the folicles will be burned to death. Painful...yes, to some extent. But the pain is of short duration, lasting the time it takes to move the laser hair removal Utah cold head of the laser over the area being lased. Like a thousand pin pricks, not a whole lot different than getting a tatoo. It certainly is better than repeated pain of w axing. Hope this helps.

Answer:My understanding is that both Hillary Clinton and Rose O'Donnell use neet to remove the hair on their backs. By the way this product was invented by laser hair removal Utah Alberto Jose Pedro Einstein. Very few people know this. laser hair removal Utah Report Abuse

Answer:I have done lazer on my upper lip - it is costly and you need repeat treatments to "kill" all the hair - i just finished my 2nd last treatment and it seems to have worked well. I just have light fine hair growing in now. It does sting when you having it done.I didn't like neet as i found it really dried my skin out.

Answer:I asked how nads worked and laser hair removal Utah got some good answers. But when I went to pick some up I couldnt find any. SO I tried Sally Hansen wax for laser hair removal Utah hair removal. I needed for my eyebrows and yes, mustache....I warmed it up in the microwave and applied to the areas. (one at a time) and cut strips of the paper they supply. And riiiiiip! All done. Pulled it laser hair removal Utah all out with out taking my skin with it. It did hurt a little, but not much or for very long. However it did leave little red bumps. It may just be my reaction though because when I go to a salon I have the same reaction. Wax maybe uncomfy but it works! And it only cost me 9.95 for a jar that will last for Im sure a year or more...

Answer:Laser takes several times to get the hair all killed, and sometimes they are people that it just plain laser hair removal Utah old don't work on (Dark skinned have the most trouble with that) Chemicals that destroy the hair kind of worry me about long term effects they haven't figured out yet (that just can't be good know) Waxing is the best laser hair removal Utah for getting rid of it the longest, less ingrown hairs and such and no chances of cutting yourself some place that u don't want cut.

Answer:yes I spent an incredible one thousand uk pounds on treatment to remove facial hair.I went to spain for this treatment, it was the most painful thing you could imagine,like someone holding a lit cigaretteand repeatedly laser hair removal Utah stabbing you with it.The therapy did not work, and whilst I was there it was explained to me that permanent means about 5 yrs so why did I bother.?love gigi

Answer:waxing fo me..

Answer:I prefer laser hair removal Utah waxing, less
costly than laser.

Answer:i think that the way your explaining it u have harry legs!!j/k

Answer:I like waxing. I don't like Nair ir Neet.

Answer:I do laser and it is amazing and look into IPL treatments, its very easy on the skin, the treatments are 90% permanent.

Answer:try burning or threading

Answer:my friend had it laser hair removal Utah done, she has to g back all of the time and get more treatments and it grows back but only in some spots and not as much

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