Friday, June 12, 2009

laser hair removal Utah: "laser hair reduction" different from "laser hair removal"?

Hello,I have my first appointment coming up for laser on my face and i was reading the brochure for the place i'm going to and i realized it says laser hair removal Utah "laser hair REDUCTION" and not "removal". does this make a difference? is the place just being realistic and all lasers are reduction and not removal? or should i be finding a place that says "removal"?it's an IPA laser, a lot of them use this I think...Please help! i'm confusedd

Answer:Laser hair laser hair removal Utah removal and
laser hair reduction are the same, it is just two different ways providers market the procedure. Both of these terms are accurate. Hair removal is an accurate description because it does remove the hair after a series of treatments. These treatments typically do not cause permanent hair removal and touch up laser hair removal Utah treatments will probably be required in the future to stay hair free. After going through the series of laser treatments, the hair that does grow back is usually thinner lighter hair that is not nearly as noticable. Given these facts, one could say the treatment is either permanent hair reduction or temporary hair removal and both terms would be true. The only term that laser hair removal Utah you need to be wary of is a claim of permanent hair removal. There is no such thing in the world of laser hair removal. I assume you meant IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) as the laser that the place laser hair removal Utah is using. Technically speaking it is not a laser but, it is a very commonly used device. Some laser hair re moval Utah doctors feel that the IPL isn't as effective as a laser for removing hair, but there are a lot of doctors that will swear by thier IPL machines. What this all boils down to is that you should always make sure whoever is performing the procedure on you is experienced in what they are doing. A practitioner skilled in the use of IPL will do a better job than an amatuer using the best laser in the world.

Answer:thank youu! and yes i laser hair removal Utah did mean IPL Report Abuse

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